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© Neil Agrahari / Shubham Gupta

Introduction about a Computer. (what is computer)

What is computer ? 
The computer world make with English world compute that's  the mean of calculation..,In the past computer used for only calculation, and this device name is "abacus an abacus is a mechanical device used to assist a person in performing mathematical calculations and counting".

But on the date  computer is not a only computing devices. is mucher than that.
now we do with computer use for make document, E-mail sending, listing and veiwing audio and video, game playing, database prepration and many more works.
who is user, user are the those person who used the computer ex, you and me.
 user are the those person who used the computer ex, you and me.
 And the most common defition of computer is "the  Computer is an electronic      device that is designed to work with Information. The term computer is   derived from the Latin term ‘computare’, this means tocalculate or programmable machineComputer can not do anything without a Program". 
The softwear and heardwear are two modes of computer's
Softwear:- the terms of softwear is used in code of programs, we see that only not touch it.
heardwear:-the term of heardwear is a physical part of system we touch it.

The computer is also two types:-
Input and Output..
#Thanks to readking#  

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